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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 374
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,10:46   

Start your own AFDave TRUTH Search!

Now, you too can convert truth into TRUTH in your spare time from the comfort of your own home. Here's how!

Step 1. Misrepresent a scientific fact or theory. Present this new TRUTH in a bold-capped slogan. Ensure that it contains at least one egregious error in comprehension that no one with a 10th-grade education would make. For extra TRUTH, find a "credentialed" creationist who has made the same error.

Step 2. Get roundly corrected and ridiculed by people who know better.

Step 3. Play dumb. Demand simplification. Repeat your slogan. Ignore any detailed text, references, etc. Instead, demand answers contained within a few simple sentences. Deny the existence of any other replies.

Step 4. Repeat Step 3 as many times as is necessary to ensure that the replies you receive: (1) have reduced all knowledge to simplistic analogies a 6-year-old could understand; (2) have largely removed all qualifiers, footnotes, complications, matters of interest, or suggestions of the larger body of knowledge involved; (3) are dripping with the frustration experienced by teachers of dull pupils.

Step 5. From these latter replies, pick one presented concept you can distort by either: (a) reducing it to your slogan from Step 1; or (b) presenting it as a new misrepresentative slogan with an equal or greater magnitude of error. Note: To do this, you will need to remove any remaining qualifiers and equivocate non-equivocal concepts. You may even have to lie. (For example, if someone writes a simple sentence referring to a selectively neutral region of DNA that can function as a molecular clock, substitute "DNA".) If you choose (a), present your TRUTH as something a vast cabal of misled scientists is trying to hide from prying eyes. If you choose (b), present your new slogan as though this is a "discovery" that you have uncovered against the will of that same cabal. In either case, return to Step 1.

Congratulations! You have brought your very own TRUTH into the world!

  4989 replies since Sep. 22 2006,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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