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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,10:41   

Quote (ericmurphy Posted on Oct. 02 2006 @ 16:07)
You have my admiration for your restraint in dealing with Dave, Mike. But in others' (and, occasionally, my) defense, keep in mind that we've been listening to Dave's exasperating drivel for five months now, and endured his incredible, breathtaking intellectual dishonesty that whole time. Occasionally, tempers flare. Unless you're a person of preternatural patience, I predict that if you continue to engage Dave, you'll eventually reach the same state of ennervated impatience. Think of that the next time you find yourself asking Dave the same exact question twenty times in a row, and having him ignore it every single time, and then finally saying, "Mike, you're such a broken record. Why don't you ask me something new?"

Thanks Eric.  I learned some classic restraint a long time ago.  I was in Air Force maintenance overseas for 6 years before I got my chemEng degree.  The flightline was staffed at half levels so everyone chipped in to get all the jobs done to get to the bar sooner.  All work done on the planes needed documentation that was read and reviewed by all the base staff.  If a pilot consistently wrote up garbage problems on an aircraft you still had to carry out a full operational check which would take time and effort.  We didn't want to waste time with the garbage so for corrective actions we never attacked the idiot pilots name or character, just his intellectual capacity.  Honestly, I've written up a corrective action that says "Switched mode to O-N position, ops ck good."  Sooner, rather than later, the idiot pilot gets ridiculed by HIS peers and stops the garbage write-ups.  And the world regains is ethereal balance.

I've been viewing this thread since its inception.  And PT since before Dover.  I'm not an "evolutionist" or a scientist, but have a well educated family and have been around universities since I was young (stealing laughing gas in lung bags from my grandfathers lab at UW-Madison Hospital for instance).  I've learned a lot from being a lurker.  The one area I find woefully lacking in any ID/C argument is the lack of actual math or data.  Even for the stuff they claim supports their notions.  If AFDave cannot even address and defend basic rebuttals to his arguments then I get to declare victory and move on to counter his next point.  I'm fair and will give him a few chances in front of this forum (even though he doesn't do the same thing back).

At the end of the day, it's all about the beer.

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