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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,09:35   

What the he** happened?  I go away to the dentist this morning and all Evo he** breaks loose.  We went from Isochrons to Eukaryotes pretty quick.
Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,10:47)


Mike PSS (Alias "Current Torch Bearer for Team Evo")--

I am waiting for you to show me how Mineral Isochrons prove Deep Time.

Well I'm surprised at your attitude here.  I thought I was engaging you.  Instead I'm dealing with a someone that yells "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah!" at people.

First Dave, you haven't indicated any comprehension about Isochrons, radionucleide decay, or anything else for that matter.  Now I'm the torch bearer for a team I never knew existed?  Nowhere in my statements do you find biology, evolution, or genotype arguments.  Just chemistry, physics, geology, mechanics, math, etc.  

So, One last chance to continue engaging in a debate style manner (which you have accused me of not wanting to participate.  i can get that quote if you want).  At present my summary is challanging your "...all Isochrons are best described as mixing lines..." assertion.  
What do you find wrong with my summary about whole rock Isochrons?

I can't begin to mention time until you address this issue.  Your assertions about mixing lines doesn't even need time or half-lives mentioned.  Only that the method of testing whole rock samples to create Isochron graphs is valid.

Please review and respond to the summary.  If you have any questions about it then ask.

You don't want people on this board to believe all the nasty things they're saying about you.

I'm engaging you intellectually and your ignoring this chance to raise your game.  I'm not name calling or impugning your character (SHAME k.e, SHAME).  I do use sarcasm and inuendo all the time, but it's not Ad Hominum.  In fact, my last post this morning I showed all my cards in how I would challange your assertions.  Pretty fair on my part wouldn't you say?

Mike PSS

  4989 replies since Sep. 22 2006,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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