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  Topic: ID: treading water?, Is it a zero sum game?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2006,02:27   

Quote (mcc @ Sep. 28 2006,00:25)
It seems to me there are noticeable portions of the Republican party whom are beginning to be unhappy with the amount of power the religious right holds within the Republican party (at least as of the peak of that power that we've seen under the Bush administration). And no, I'm not even talking about libertarians. I suspect the backlash we see from these people in the near future, if any, will probably be about equal regardless of the outcome of the 2006 elections.

Yes.  But the fundies and the neocons dominate all the Party machinery, and they still have huge influence in who gets into office and who doesn't (just ask McCain, who despite his contempt for them, had to kiss their ass anyway).

The moderate Republicans (McCain, Schwarzenneger, the other RINO's) will have one #### of a fight if they want to take back their party.  They'll have to replace the entire existing Republicrat power machinery.

But then, the right-wing nuts have already changed the political landscape in the US.  What once were considered to be lunatic John Birch Society positions are now mainstream, the far-right has become "centrist", the moderate right has become "left", and the real left has disappeared completely.  The Democans have attempted to keep up by out-Republicanning the Republicans, and both parties now accept virtually the same political program --- the US should rightfully run the the world as it sees fit, and anyone who doesn't like it can go to ####. Amerika uber alles.

The good news in all of this is that the fundies, who 20 years ago actually posed a very real threat, now do not.  Even the hard-right Republicans don't pay any attention to the fundies, and are happy to just take their money, take their votes, and then not do diddley for them.  So the real threat now are the neocons, who have shot themselves in the head in Iraq, but have managed to scare everyone into accepting their political program anyway.

In the 60's, the reaction against right-wing power and fear-mongering was pretty thoroughgoing (and it was all carried out by those very same kids-of-conservatives that Skeptic is crowing about).  I expect the same to happen once the Republicrats are out of power.  And, as in the 60's, I expect the Democans to oppose it just as much as the Republicrats do.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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