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  Topic: AF Dave--"broken" thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,09:29   

to everybody who's having problems with that updating on AFDave's thread, here's how you get around it. When you go to AtBC, you're at this page:
Code Sample;f=14

when you go to an AtBC thread, you get something like
Code Sample;f=14;t=1958

that t=1958 part at the end is the thread number. When you click on a page, like page 41, you get this

Code Sample;f=14;t=1958;st=1200

that st=1200 part means throw away the first 1200 comments, and don't show any comments higher than 1230. If there have been 1202 comments on the thread, and you click on the link and it has st=1200, you get a page with only comments 1201 and 1202 on them. sometimes, whatever updates the page 41 / 1200 numbers doesn't kick in after the next thirty comments, and in this for instance, you'll see, on the AtBC page, a link going to page 40 (st=1170) even though there've now been over thirty comments past comment 1170. So you see only comments 1170-1200, even though you've already seen them. So the solution is this--if you know there are updated comments beyond what it's showing you, go to the last page it will give you. click on the URL in that field of the browser, and manually add thirty to the number. In this case, you'd change
Code Sample;f=14;t=1958;st=1170

Code Sample;f=14;t=1958;st=1200

and then it'll take you to the hidden page.

  15 replies since Sep. 21 2006,09:23 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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