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  Topic: Salvador Cordova vs. Lenny Flank< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 04 2005,14:14   

>The scientific theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and life are best explained by an intelligent cause.  

Thanks for the empty assertion, Sal.  Now how about a scientific theory of ID.  Here, let me remind you once again of the question I asked:

what is the scientific theory of creation (or intelligent design) and how can we test it using the scientific method?

I do *NOT* want you to respond with a long laundry list of (mostly inaccurate) criticisms of evolutionary biology. They are completely irrelevant to a scientific theory of creation or intelligent design. I want to see the scientific alternative that you are proposing---- the one you want taught in public school science classes, the one that creationists and intelligent design "theorists" testified under oath in Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas and elsewhere is SCIENCE and is NOT based on religious doctrine. Let's assume for the purposes of
this discussion that evolutionary biology is indeed absolutely completely totally irretrievable unalterably irrevocably 100% dead wrong. Fine. Show me your scientific alternative. Show me how your scientific theory explains things better than evolutionary biology does. Let's see this superior "science" of yours.

Any testible scientific theory of creation should be able to provide answers to several questions: (1) how did life begin, (3) how did the current diversity of life appear, and (3) what mechanisms were used in these processes and where can we see these mechanisms today.

Any testible scientific theory of intelligent design should be able to give testible answers to other questions: (1) what exactly did the Intelligent Designer(s) do, (2) what mechanisms did the Designer(s) use to do whatever it is you think it did, (3) where can we see these mechanisms in action today, and (4) what objective criteria can we use to determine what entities are "intelligently
designed" and what entities aren't (please illustrate this by pointing to something that you think IS designed, something you think is NOT designed, and explain how to tell the difference).

If your, uh, "scientific theory" isn't able to answer any of these questions yet, then please feel free to tell me how you propose to scientifically answer them. What experiments or tests can we perform, in principle, to answer these questions.

Also, since one of the criteria of "science" is falsifiability, I'd like you to tell me how your scientific theory, whatever it is, can be falsified. What experimental results or observations would conclusively prove that creation/intelligent design did not happen.

Another part of the scientific method is direct testing. One does not establish "B" simply by demonstrating that "A" did not happen. I want you to demonstrate "B" directly. So don't give me any "there are only two choices, evolution or creation, and evolution is wrong so creation must be right" baloney. I will  repeat that I do NOT want a big long laundry list of "why evolution is wrong". I don't care why evolution is wrong. I want to know what your alternative is, and
how it explains data better than evolution does.

I'd also like to know two specific things about this "alternative scientific theory":  How old does "intelligent design/creationism theory" determine the universe to be. Is it millions of years old, or thousands of years old.  And does 'intelligent design/creationism theory' determine that humans have descended from apelike primates, or does it determine that they have not.

I look forward to seeing your "scientific theories".  Unless of course you don't HAVE any and are just lying to us when you claim to.

Any time you're ready, Sal.  And by the way, you still have four other questions to answer.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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