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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 59
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 05 2006,11:56   

Ok, so it's been something like 30 pages (I ain't a goin' back and searching!;) since I thanked the various people who used AF "Sergeant Schultz" Dave's nose as the tee for some very interesting shots about (especially) geology and dating methods.  I pointed out then that no possible lurker could gain more by watching you trying to point out to Dave that he was trying to sell a very dead parrot indeed (how unbelievably apt that sketch matches Dave's arguments here!  If only he would end it by asking you to "come over to his place") but you've all kept bloody on and on.

 Well, that's all of your business, but could I suggest that the thread be renamed to reflect the fact that Dave has no "Creator God Hypothesissy-thingy" any longer?  Could the creative minds wasting their time (<-- opinion) presenting evidence to Mr. Whacky-a-Mole spend a few minutes and think of a title that would really reflect the content of this tread?

 For you, Dave, I will quote the radar technician from Airplane: He's all over the place! 900 feet to 1300 feet!! What an a$$hole!!!

  6047 replies since May 01 2006,03:19 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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