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  Topic: T. Russ getting "down and dirty", Space for TR to address essays by WRE< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
T. Russ

Posts: 6
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2005,19:42   


Stephen Meyer on wether ID is scientific in a recent interview with nightline reporters


M: Do you feel you have to justify the theory as a scientific theory? Is intelligent design a scientific theory?

SM: Well, we think it is. We think it is based on scientific evidence. What scientists have been finding over the past 30 years is this incredible world of nanotechnology – you have turbines and sliding clamps and miniature motors and actually rotary engines inside the cell. You have complex circuits, and the most important or impressive thing to me is the reams of digital code that you find inscribed along the backbone of the DNA molecule. And for us this is an extremely important discovery, because we know from experience that information always arises from an intelligent source. Bill Gates has said that DNA is like a software program; Richard Dawkins has said that it’s like machine code, and we know from experience that programs arise from programmers, and we know from experience that information always arises from an intelligence. So when we find information in the living cell, it is a very natural inference to think that an intelligence played a role in the origin of that information. So we justify the theory of intelligent design by reference to the evidence that has been discovered in the cell of this immense complexity, of the discovery of this nanotechnology, and by what we know about what it takes to build that kind of sophisticated information and nanotechnology, namely intelligence.

Full interview at the DI's website.

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