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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 21 2021,04:50   

Quote (fnxtr @ Aug. 20 2021,17:54)
Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 20 2021,18:33)
Not a lot of the Uncommonly Dense today. I saw a couple of posts from Bob and a couple from Seversky, but otherwise, just a parade of morons like Silver Asiatic and mohammadmurnursyasurmaunerusmadsumsu.

Look at this gibberish from Silver: (my bolding)  
The other significant thing that Western atheist-secularists have tried to do is to destroy the power of religion among the people using all manner of immoral content in entertainment – basically the promulgation of pornography first, then related sexual disorders to follow.
This is a Marxist approach towards revolution in the culture and society. Islamic societies rebel (rightly) against this, and it has been an on-going problem for America in the Mideast, since America is perceived as promoters of immorality. America has become a global advocate for gay marriage for example, and this is (admirably) rejected in Islamic countries. The same is true for feminism which is a Marxist-styled revolution against family life, masculine virtue and childbearing.
Interestingly – I just looked it up – Afghanistan has the 4th highest birth rate in the world. That means it is a youthful society and family life is thriving (polygamy is a factor). The Western countries are aging and dying, with no belief in family or children. So, what values can they bring to a society that has a lot of children and big families?
I think women will want monogamy and probably birth control, but masculine societies will generally be stronger and more militaristic than effeminate. Multiple wives may balance that off though because men will be morally scattered over several women and children they have not bonded with. So that’s self-defeating.

Oh yeah, Afghanistan is thriving. Tens of thousands of people are desperately trying to fight their way into a C-17’s cargo hold out of there because it’s soooooo thriving. Seriously, how do you deal with dingbats like this?  :p

Just in case you ever had any doubt that UD is a nest of incels.

That made me wonder if any conversations of any real substance have ever happened at Uncommon Descent. I can't recall any but my memory isn't what it was and I am a bit biased, perhaps, though I hope not hyperskeptical. Not to say there haven't been many excellent contributions from Bob O'H and others but the ID viewpoint has remained elusive and vague to the point of non-existence.

Anyone able to point to something I've missed since 2005?

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