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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: July 06 2021,13:28   

July 6, 2021 at 10:47 am
KF: I don’t see anyone here denying “first principles”, if what you mean logic and math.

WJM said (twice), that unavoidables include…

1. I (the sentient being) exist as an identifiable “I.”
2. Therefore, a fundamental experience of self and other.
3. Principles of logic.
4. Free will
5. Coherent self and environment.
6. All experience is subjective.
7. All experience occurs in mind.

1. Existential unavoidables, self-evident truths, necessary truths (logic, math, self/other, etc.)
2. The highly consistent, persistent, measurable, predictable, operable, apparently consensual set of experiences we currently call “the physical world,” including our physical body
3. Senses
4. Memory
5. Emotion (including conscience, empathy, sense of duty, desire, concern for others, love, etc.)
6. Imagination
7. Intention/preference (free will)
8. Attention
9. Dreams
10. Sense of continuity/sequentiality (time)

It seems to me that either you’re arguing in bad faith, or you are unable to follow the thread coherently.

P.S. how does WJM’s experiences with his “deceased” wife fit into your ontology/epistemology? Your clear and unambiguous answer warmly anticipated and appreciated.

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