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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2021,18:44   

BO’H, the focus of this thread is implication logic, foundational to a lot of our thinking. The side issues and long since adequately answered objections come across as a distraction from far more serious matters, Besides, you are a highly educated person and you know the difference between acts of intelligence and identification of particular agents. There is no contradiction as you try to allege, you know full well that causal efficacy of intelligence brims over from the computer technology we are using, and that the technology is replete with signs of such. So, we identify design as an effective process which may leave reliable signs. Cell based life is replete with those signs and we may infer abductively to intelligent cause. However, that is worlds apart from say identifying that a ship from the Andromeda galaxy visited our sol system and used its molecular nanotech lab to seed our primitive planet with terraforming first life etc, or that they did it on orders of their high Senate. Or some other such thing. Your objection fails, and fails in ways that raise questions

OK. $20 for whoever can name this pompous, condescending, arrogant, moron. And, first hint, it’s not Joe.

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