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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 491
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2020,14:06   

Quote (Joe G @ June 16 2020,10:41)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ June 16 2020,11:36)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 14 2019,10:08)
AF+GAIN- I am more than ready, willing and able to put up $10,000 USD against ANT evoTARD in a debate on which side has the science and evidence and which side has the liars.

I see JoeG, the belligerent, bluffing, blubbering buffoon has returned.

I wonder if the dickless moron JoeG can stop being such an ignorant loser and follow through on his offer?

Or will JoeG just continue to confirm he's the fucking wimpy coward everyone knows he is?

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ April 01 2020,17:12)

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 05 2020,19:45)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 15 2019,07:15)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Dec. 14 2019,20:34)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 14 2019,18:58)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Dec. 14 2019,19:24)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 14 2019,10:08)
Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Dec. 13 2019,22:54)

ET December 13, 2019 at 7:18 pm

But it’s always better to have the evidence than the dance of lies.

AF+GAIN- I am more than ready, willing and able to put up $10,000 USD against ANT evoTARD in a debate on which side has the science and evidence and which side has the liars.

Let's make it $20,000 and see if you will put your money where your mouth ass is.

I pick the scientist you go up against and I pick the venue.

We'll have to discuss who will judge.

Really? So it won't be you? Too funny and very telling


You have said you would debate any scientist on numerous occasions, so what's your problem whether it's me or someone else?

Very telling that you're already making excuses and chickening out.

I am OK with it, dipshit. I am just making fun of YOUR ignorance and cowardice

Since Joe has given his OK...

It's taken a bit of time, but here we go with some preliminary groundwork:

1. I have procured 3 tentative venues for Joe to debate a scientist of my choosing, each of them in a college setting. Actual location and expense will depend on when we can make this happen.

2. I have a lawyer ready to draw up a contractural agreement and to act as at the legal custodian of the $20,000 wager from each party deposited into a secure account. I can deposit my $20,000 at anytime.

3. I've put some thought into how this can be judged and I suggest Joe and I each pick 4 people to act as judges. (I'd like to stipulate that the judges have a science degree or at minimum a college degree of some kind.) I suggest we allow the audience to account for a tie breaking vote in the event that becomes necessary. (Details on how to accomplish an audience vote yet to be worked out.)

4. I'm willing to let travel expenses for each of the judges be allocated through the lawyer from the $40,000 secured account. (My thinking here is even if each judge uses $1,000 for travel, I'm still going to be $12,000 richer.)

5. I would like to set the date for this to take place toward the end of May to allow time for details and contractural issues to be hammered out, and for promotion of the event to college students, who will not be charged admission. Next fall would be a 'fall' back time.

Let's make it happen.

Edited to add judge stipulation

Well, as can be surmised given the current conditions, all 3 colleges are closed for the time being, with two unsure of when they will reopen to the general public.

That said, the bet stands, awaiting Joe's response. We can draw up legal documents with the lawyer while we are awaiting on an open venue.

In addition to debating "which side has the science and evidence and which side has the liars", I'd also like to propose a second debate with Joe to take place the day after.

The second debate would concern the cardinality of infinite sets. Though my final major was Mathematics, I have a professor keen on debating Joe about the subject after I pointed him to Joe's diatribe with JVL at UD. Let's put $10,000 on this one. Perhaps we can save expenses and use the same set of judges for both debates?

Come on Joe, let's make it happen.

You against me, Nympho.

Ask your scientist to educate you. Or better yet, ask your scientist if he/ she has any idea how to test the claim that the genetic code and any bacterial flagellum arose via blind and mindless processes. If he/ she cannot then he/ she cannot win the debate.

I dare you to do that and see what the response is.


It's much simpler than that.

I'm holding you to YOUR words on what the debate is to be about and who you were "OK with it" to be a debate opponent.

You're simply confirming what a insignificant sniveling coward we know you to be by trying to renege on your own initial challenge and weaseling out of the debate by changing the subject and opponent.

The debate is about "which side has the science and evidence and which side has the liars."
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 14 2019,10:08)
AF+GAIN- I am more than ready, willing and able to put up $10,000 USD against ANT evoTARD in a debate on which side has the science and evidence and which side has the liars.

For the purposes of drawing up legal documents, I assume the JoeG "side" is Intelligent Design, correct?

I will state the opposing "side" to be Evolution.

The wager you indicated you were OK with will be $20,000.

The opponent will be a "evoTARD" scientist of my choosing as you indicated you are "OK with it."
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 15 2019,07:15)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Dec. 14 2019,20:34)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 14 2019,18:58)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Dec. 14 2019,19:24)
I pick the scientist you go up against and I pick the venue.

Really? So it won't be you? Too funny and very telling


You have said you would debate any scientist on numerous occasions, so what's your problem whether it's me or someone else?

Very telling that you're already making excuses and chickening out.

I am OK with it, dipshit.

Will JoeG make good on his challenge, or will we see more of JoeG cowardly running away from his own words?

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"

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