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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 16 2020,08:57   

Quote (Joe G @ June 16 2020,09:26)
Quote (stevestory @ June 16 2020,08:23)
Joe, after Dover most of the people who had their hopes  on the intelligent design scam gave up. They knew the jig was up. 90% of the commenters at uncommon descent have left. Telic Thoughts shut down. If you go to the Discovery Institute’s list of ID blogs and sites you will see that most of them have quit. The people at the Discovery Institute keep going because they’re making money off it, and a handful of complete lunatics like Kairosfocus and Batshit77 keep going because they’re fucking lunatic tards with obsessive fixation. Batshit writes 10,000 words a day on this stuff. You think he’s mentally healthy?

A tiny number of scientists or ex-scientists get off on laughing at the ID people, and we mostly know each other. I know Bob O’H, I know Acartia, I know who Retired Physicist is. I don’t know who JVL or Ed George are. But I wish they’d email me. Username here at gmail.

LoL! Dover didn't do anything to ID. The evos lied and bluffed their way through the trial. The judge was an ignorant ass.

ID is still the only scientifically viable explanation for our existence. And your side still has nothing but morons like you.

It's very telling that this entire forum NEVER presents any evidence that would refute ID and support your own position.

We’re not here to prove evolution to you Joe, you can go read textbooks or take classes if you want to know that stuff. We’re here to laugh at you. And it’s fun. :p

  27552 replies since Feb. 24 2010,12:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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