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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2020,02:53   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Feb. 13 2020,14:44)
Quote (Bob O'H @ Feb. 13 2020,10:38)
Oh, and if you try to read "Do Mutation Rates Match the Kelly Criterion?" by Mr. Jonathan Bartlett, it costs you $3. On the other hand, if you happen upon Mr. Gordon E Mullings' epistle "On the Logic of Being and Wigner's Astonishment Regarding the Applicability of Mathematics", you find the first page also contains the complete text of Mr. Bartlett's work. I think Mr. Bartlett needs to complain to the publishers of this gentleman's periodical.

I'd rather spend my $3.00 on the cover story, "How Big is Your Axiom?", which is on page 25.  I'm pretty sure my axiom is bigger than Barry's, but I'm still a little unclear on exactly how they're measured.  I'd really appreciate it if someone with online access to this august journal could tell us the details.  (Hint hint.)

This suggests a great way to Make Barry Rich Through the Power of ID:  Since every article in "Communications..." is basicly an Uncommon Descent article, all UD has to do is start charging to post.  Hell, if they charge by the word, Kairiosfocus and Bornabore77 alone could buy Barry that private island staffed with dancing girls his Republican heart yearns for.

You can get it using the side entrance. Warning, though: it's clear that the unit of axiom size should be the Gödel (or possibly the Turing).

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

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