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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 08 2018,10:01   

Quote (Texas Teach @ Dec. 08 2018,10:00)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 08 2018,09:55)
Quote (Texas Teach @ Dec. 08 2018,09:37)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 08 2018,07:21)
Quote (Texas Teach @ Dec. 07 2018,20:58)
Quote (Joe G @ Dec. 07 2018,20:24)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Dec. 07 2018,20:16)
Quote (Ptaylor @ Dec. 07 2018,19:06)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Dec. 08 2018,11:37)
Barry ArringtonDecember 7, 2018 at 6:34 pm
UD Editors:

Deputy Dog, final warning.


Barry Arrington
    December 7, 2018 at 6:38 pm

Deputy Dog has been shown the exit.

So, commenting on a dead person’s amazing ability to overwhelm people with incomprehensible prose (Gish Gallop) is grounds for UD bannination. But calling Darwin a racist and accusing him of being responsible for the holocaust is acceptable. And they accuse us of being moral relativists.

Not everyone shares your asinine recollection of Duane Gish.

Darwin was a racist. It was the in thing at the time.

And he just gave the Nazis alleged scientific justification for what they did.

We accuse you of being moral subjectivists- meaning whatever you think is moral is OK, especially if others think that way too.

Care to tell us how you determine what is moral, Joe?

It is all written down. Read it

Read what?

That's right. You lack reading comprehension skills

Joe, why are you trying to hide behind silly insults?  “Read it” is hardly an informative statement. Why can’t you just answer a simple question?  Are you embarrassed to tell me the source of your morals?

Start with the Ten Commandments and then buy a vowel.

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism

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