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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 20 2018,14:44   

OldAndrewNovember 20, 2018 at 2:10 pm

What? You can’t answer any of these questions? You are the one who said thoughts are material things. Material things can be measured Andrew.

You seem to be asserting that in order for me to argue that the brain is the physical medium for thoughts, that I must be able to specify exactly how the brain generates them. Is that correct?

I’ll counter: tell me exactly how the immaterial mind stores thoughts. I’m 100% certain that you cannot.

It’s amazing how similar this is to fallacious anti-ID arguments. For example, the anti-ID argument says that until you can explain exactly how a thing was designed and created, ID itself is invalid.

Similarly, you’re arguing that unless I can specify exactly how the brain generates thoughts, which chemicals, which neurons, and their exact physical properties, then they can’t originate with the brain. (Meanwhile you have no idea how the “immaterial” mind does those things, but you’re okay with that.)

You can spot the faulty logic when it’s used against something you believe, but then you turn around and employ the same faulty logic if it supports your beliefs.

My assertion: I don’t have to know how the brain generates thoughts or what their chemical composition is to conclude, based on available evidence, that it does.

How much does that unicorn you are thinking about weigh Andrew? What is its height, length and width? You are the one who is saying it is material. Surely you can answer simple questions.

Your questions just don’t make any sense. How do you come to this bizarre conclusion that an abstract representation of something cannot exist materially? There’s just no evidence that you’re thinking this through.

I can draw a picture of a unicorn. I can write the word “unicorn.” Both are material while the idea is abstract. How much does the unicorn weigh? It doesn’t have any weight. There is no unicorn.

Obviously a thought about a unicorn is much more complex than a picture or a word. But if the abstract concept can exist in other physical forms, then it can exist in the chemicals and neurons of my brain. I don’t have to know how, any more than you know how they supposedly exist an immaterial mind.

I don’t know why I bother with this. You’re just going to start deleting comments again. When you can’t win you take your ball and go home.

link until barry deletes it

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