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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 29 2018,11:49   

I had a really stupid hillbilly relative a couple decades ago who got a telemarketing call asking him to subscribe to the Gainesville Sun. He went off to the person on the other end for several minutes about how LIBRAL the Gainesville Sun was and how STUPID LIBRALS are, and how they ain't never cover nothin fairly cuz LIBRAL and he'd subscribe to them if they'd stop bein so LIBRAL and on and on and on. For like ten minutes. And when he hung up he was pleased with himself because he really told that Gainesville Sun person what's what, and boy he chewed that guy out so much I bet he'll tell the boss and he'd see how much money he's losin bein so LIBRAL etc etc.

...because he was too dumb to understand he wasn't talking to anyone at the Gainesville Sun, he wasn't even talking to anyone who would ever talk to the Gainesville Sun, he was talking to some poor schmuck at a call center who gets paid $10/hr to read a script, and all he accomplished with his ten minute rant was to make a total stranger hate life slightly more.

That's the kinda idiot Gordon is.

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