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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2018,16:01   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ June 03 2018,13:17)
This comment on KF’s latest OP. Especially since it comes from an ID proponent (I think)
OldAndrew June 3, 2018 at 10:50 am
Forgive me, but this is utterly and entirely incomprehensible. Bolds, italics, varying font colors, diagrams, cartoons, numbered lists, and indentations do not help. It is all but impossible to read this and understand what the point is.

No one is “studiously ignoring” it. I don’t think that’s even a thing. It’s an impenetrable wall of words written without any apparent awareness of how it sounds to others. One would have to spend hours analyzing it one sentence at a time in order to understand it well enough to agree with it or not. No one is going to do that.

I know I’m being a bit blunt, and I apologize. But I’m trying to be constructive, not mean, and perhaps save you some time. To put it plainly, almost no one has any idea what you are attempting to communicate. This might as well be written in Klingon.

Changing peoples’ minds is difficult. In some cases it’s impossible. There is 0.00% chance that you will have any desirable influence on anything or anyone by writing what no one understands.

I'm giving OldAndrew an honorary POTW.

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