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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2018,10:12   

Quote (Bob O'H @ May 21 2018,05:15)
ooh, two "wait wut"s today already.
Rob Sheldon [URL=

r-biology/#comment-658577]is friends with some of the squid from space people[/URL]. He also give us this gem, about Superman (and other SF):
But more importantly, perhaps our art, our films, our dreams, our aspirations are not ours, but inherited from men and women who once knew these things to be true. It’s called epigenetic memories. And when a film taps into them, it becomes a classic.

I thought the next bits were even 'better':

Many of the arguments in this paper on octupi, were ones that I plead with Chandra Wickramasinghe personally. I felt he was playing it too safe. He may or may not remember my passionate defense of horizontal gene transport as essential to panspermia. At the time, I think Hoyle and Arrhenius were arguing for bacteria moving between worlds. It’s nice to see a convergence on viruses as the probable vector.

I also argued that for the universe to be designed to make Earth, there had to be staging planets. Places that specialized in one kind of life, say, trilobites. All of these staging points were to “boot up” life on Earth the way Windows10 “boots up” from a PROM on the motherboard. Check out the SPIE comet papers at


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