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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5287
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2018,18:23   

Quote (Joe G @ April 25 2018,18:07)
Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 25 2018,18:06)
Quote (Joe G @ April 25 2018,18:02)
If the surface is 80 degrees and the thermal energy being radiated back is 70 degrees does that heat up the surface or cool it down?

(heat is energy, morons)

Oh good gravy.

Now energy = temperature.

You can't make up shit this stupid folks, you just can't.   :D

Wow, you are a desperate faggot.

THERMAL energy has a temperature, moron.

Thermal energy isn't radiated either you dumbass.  Thermal energy is an internal property of a system, as is temperature.  The two are related but NOT equal.    The energy transferred is called HEAT, either through conduction, convection, or radiation.  The unit of heat is the joule.

You are the dumbest POS to ever put chubby fingers to keyboard.   :D

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

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