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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2018,17:35   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 25 2018,15:13)
Quote (Joe G @ April 25 2018,17:06)
If the surface is 80 degrees and the energy being radiated back is 70 degrees does that heat up the surface or cool it down?

Energy doesn't have a temperature you dumbass.  An object with a certain thermal energy will have a certain temperature.  If you add more energy to the object the temperature of the object will increase.

You really are the most ignorant dumbass on the planet.

After revolutionizing probability, orbital mechanics, chemistry, etc. etc... - he now gives us Joemodynamics.

If frequency=wavelength, then energy has a temperature.  Obviously.  I wonder what would happen if the temperature was the largest known number.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

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