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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,10:07   

Quote (Joe G @ April 17 2018,16:23)
Quote (Lethean @ April 17 2018,07:40)
Quote (stevestory @ April 11 2018,08:15)
Boy, they're full-blown global warming deniers over there, ain't they? No surprise. Global warming is basic chemistry. If we can't expect them to understand basic biology, basic chemistry is probly slightly harder, even.

CO2 ...  It's what plants crave.

CO2 is what plants crave. And if CO2 were the issue then every year should be warmer the previous year as more CO2 is getting pumped into the atmosphere year after year.

But we don't see that. We see the CO2 increasing but the temperature doesn't follow. Any and all alleged increase since 1880 is covered under natural variability. The fact that people have to adjust the data to make it look like AGW is something else to consider.

Urban heat islands are real. That and clear-cutting forests to raise livestock and food for livestock are the real problems, not CO2.

And now we're back to elementary school science.

1. What is the difference between dry ice and ice.

2. Under what conditions does dry ice float on liquid CO2

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