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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 666
Joined: July 2011

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2018,14:30   

Quote (Bob O'H @ Jan. 28 2018,04:27)
Quote (fnxtr @ Jan. 27 2018,16:00)
I bet they could build a brilliant KF bot here.

I'm not sure if a kf bot is a brilliant idea, or one of the worst ideas in human history.

I do know that using a bot like that in a Turing test would be evil.

You really know how to hurt a guy:  (You inspired me to dust this off, fix the bit rot, and re-scrape UD.  I will admit to thinking more about how I could do it than whether I should.)

This is just a simple Markov chain with a stem length of 3.  Basically, it looks at the last two words, finds the most common word that follows them, adds it to the sentence, and repeats.  I made a minimal effort to keep the sentence and paragraph count similar to each bot's UD counterpart, but I didn't do anything related to grammar.

I had to cut off Kairosfocus at no earlier than 2015.  Out of 772 MB of data, a bit over 100 MB is his.  I'm disinclined to pay for more RAM just to support his deathless prose.

If anyone would like the code (it's a Lisp backend with a GWT UI) or the raw data, send me a message.

ETA:  Fixed link.

Edited by Patrick on Feb. 15 2018,15:39

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