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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2018,20:43   

Quote (fnxtr @ Feb. 13 2018,20:29)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 13 2018,08:50)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 13 2018,10:36)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 13 2018,09:19)
Sorry Cupcake, this thread is for laughing at you. Evolution is discussed in all the places you can't comment.

I see you repeatedly dodged the question of "what have you achieved in your last decade of doing this?"

Yes, Dickie, you are sorry. You are also a scientifically illiterate coward. Strange that you wear that as a badge of honor.

What have I achieved? Now I know that all evos are 100% intellectual cowards who couldn't support the claims of their position if their lives depended on it. I have also convinced many of my kids school mates that blind watchmaker evolution is total bullshit and ID is the only possible explanation for what we observe.


"I have also convinced many of my kids school mates that blind watchmaker evolution is total bullshit and ID is the only possible explanation for what we observe."

A decade well spent. And I'm sure that's what they *really* think. Keep using your time well, ace.

Reminds me of the time I went to pick up a girl and her mom went on a rant about the Lake of Fire. We nodded politely and left.

If you want ranting just listen to evoTARDs trying to defend their position.

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism

  27552 replies since Feb. 24 2010,12:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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