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  Topic: A Modest Proposal< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 22 2005,14:47   

The article, not the argument.

 Oh well, the argument needed to be restated anyway, not that anyone's paying attention. And despite Hyperion cluck-cluck-clucking out on my eminently reasonable conditions, I'll cite it anyway:

The article.

 Now for the interesting bit:
In the last five years, census data show, Asians -- mostly Chinese -- have grown from 5 percent to nearly 10 percent of Brooklyn residents. In Lafayette High's neighborhood, Bensonhurst, historically home to Italian and Jewish families, more than 20 percent of residents are Asian.[my emphasis, not that the author deserves this bit]

  "But Paley", you'll squeal, "our dear Erin is just providing some background detail for a little verisimilitude! Cut her some slack!"
  To which I say: read the whole article. Not once, not once, is the race of the offenders mentioned. So why bring up race at all? To highlight the irony that Brooklyn has always been a haven for immigrants, and should be the last place to find violence against same?
 Hey, I've heard of a bridge in the area that's up for sale.
  "Oh, Paley, this is but one author! No need to jump to hasty conclusions!"

How about now?
 Mark Talo, who taught English as a second language at Lafayette but quit at the end of the recent school year, said the assistant principal had pulled two of the three Chinese students from his classes to deliver the news.  "The atmosphere at the school was very depressing," Mr. Talo said. "It was like being in the Deep South during Jim Crow."  

   Once again, a slur against white people, and no mention of the race of the perpetrators. Now for the likely reason:

   Ethnic Composition of Lafayette High

        White                               11.8
         Black                               45.8
         Hispanic                           25.1
         Asian and others              17.1

 Now, it's possible that the BEDs were responsible for the attacks, but don't you think this bit of info would have provided a slightly different perspective to the story?
   Of course, that may have been the problem.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

  245 replies since Nov. 13 2005,11:56 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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