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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2927
Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2018,13:43   

Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 29 2018,13:27)
Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 29 2018,13:20)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Jan. 29 2018,13:56)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Jan. 29 2018,12:52)
Quote (JohnW @ Jan. 29 2018,12:27)
Quote (Ptaylor @ Jan. 25 2018,18:18)
PaV using inflow and outflow of water in a sink as an analogy to CO2 in the atmosphere:
IOW, let’s say you were filling up a sink with water, depending on the flow rate out of the sink, and the flow rate into the sink, there would be an equilibrium level of water in the sink. Now, if you increase the flow of water into the sink by 4%, you should expect the level to rise about 4%. If you restricted the flow by 4%, you’d expect the water level to drop by 4%.

UD link
PaV, you will always be one of my favourites!

ET, who is not Joe, rises to the challenge:
61  ET  January 28, 2018 at 9:37 am
All of that added CO2 and we are now only about 1.7 degrees F warmer than 1880. Heck it changes more than that day to day.

... a comment so staggeringly stupid that it's too much for the other loons at UD, who are ignoring it.

What makes you think they are ignoring it? I'm sure that most of them agree with it.

Then you better hope that the elderly Dense and Dreary lives forever. Because whenever she stops looking at her news aggregator, UD will only be left with insulting OPS by Barry and indecipherable fishing reel porn from Kairos (don't call me Gordon Mullings) Focus.

Some of this bullshit comes from watching oversimplified animations on Nova and believing that's really what it looks like. For instance the actin or myosin or whatever molecules that seem to step one after another in an orderly way along microtubules. I had a girlfriend who worked at UNC on visualizing those things. She said those animations were ridiculous. "How do they actually move?" I asked. "They take about 1.1 steps forward for every step back. They barely work at all. In real life it just looks like random bouncing junk."

It doesn't matter Steve. Your position still doesn't have anything to explain the existence of actin and myosin. If you guys had the evidence then ID would be a non-starter and yet ID is stronger than ever

The that, Steve.

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