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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 18 2018,14:50   

Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 18 2018,14:34)
The leaders of the ID movement (of which you are not) have ALL specifically said that ID is anti-evolution.

Liar. They all claim that ID is anti evolution by means of blind and mindless processes, just as I have said. You are just an ignorant ass

I guess I will have to provide the quotes again...

The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion.   [URL=

Intelligent Design: An hypothesis that some natural phenomena are best explained by reference to Intelligent Causes rather than to only Material Causes. As such, Intelligent Design is the scientific disagreement with, and the falsifying hypothesis for, the claims of Chemical and Darwinian Evolution that the apparent design of certain natural phenomena is just an illusion. Intelligent design can also be viewed as the Science of design detection applied to natural phenomena.


The theory of intelligent design, as I understand, you’re not inquiring, but we endorse that decision as a policy decision. Also, is an historical scientific theory that raises larger philosophical implications, so the two are equivalent in that respect, and they are, in fact, with respect to their attempts to explain the appearance of design in biological systems, they are competitor hypotheses.

Stephen Meyer – Kansas Evolution Hearings ( (my underline)

On the other hand, for example, intelligent design, it’s not the only opponent, by the way, of Darwinian evolution.

Stephen Meyer – Kansas Evolution Hearings (

Q And it’s a negative argument against the part of that argument called common descent, correct?

A That’s correct, just as my argument was an argument against natural selection. And when people make claims for natural selection, I have to show why that is a poor explanation for what we see.

Dover Trial Testimony – A = Dr. Michael Behe


Why is it you have to attack ID with your ignorance when all it takes to refute ID is to actually step up and support your position [evolution] with POSITIVE evidence?

Please, point out to me where "blind and mindless processes" appear in these quotes.

They don't.

Since you aren't the voice of ID. I'm going with them. As much as I don't like them... they are the ones who say what the movement is.

They say ID is anti-evolution... again... and again... and again.

Edited by OgreMkV on Jan. 18 2018,14:53

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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