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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 18 2018,13:54   

Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 05 2018,20:19)
Quote (paragwinn @ Jan. 05 2018,19:06)
Hey Joe G,

Why is Linnaean's classification THE objective nested hierarchy?

Why did scientists like Newton never invoke God in Nature's operations (not to be confused with Nature's origin)?

Linnaean classification is the objective nested hierarchy due to its scientific standards and lack of numerous transitional forms to have to sort through. The more transitional forms involved the fewer the number of defining characteristics that can be used. And with the number of transitional forms that have been alleged to exist that few will become one until that one starts to get blurred.

Linnaean classification depicts nice neat distinct sets.

As for Newton, read Principia. Newton and many others (like Kepler and Copernicus) saw science as a way of understanding God's Creation. I would think that God made the universe to be self-serving. No need to meddle with nature's operations.

LOL... why Joke is bringing up stuff from 2011, I don't know. But whatever.

Joke, this is really important. You know that Linnaean Taxonomy is not nested right?

Why? Because in Linnaean Taxonomy mammals, birds, and amphibians (including reptiles) are all classes.

Bur birds are a special group of dinosaurs, which are a special group of reptiles, which are a special group of amphibians.

Because Carl didn't know anything about paleontology (and not that much about biology), his system is not hierarchical. A hierarchical system cannot have a subgroup of a group at the same rank as the group it's a part of.

Well... maybe yours can, but everyone knows you have no idea what the hell is going on.

BTW: I asked you something many years ago and you never responded when you were discussing wavelength = frequency. You failed to dredge that comment up and respond to it, so I'll ask again.

A surface wave with a frequency of 1 hz can have a wavelength of 1,800 meters to 4,900 meters in shale.

since YOU said wavelength = frequency
1800 meters = 1 hz
4900 meters = 1 hz


1800 meters = 4900 meters

Now, you have revised your original claim to say that wavelength and frequency are interchangeable. But that implies a 1:1 correspondence. Your programming knowledge should give you a good idea what that means.

Like you said

And yet transmitting on a frequency of 1.87MHz is the same as transmitting on a wavelength of 160 meters.

Yet, an earthquake of 1 hz with a wavelength of 1800 meters is clearly not the same as an earthquake with a 1 hz frequency and a wavelength of 4900 meters.

Since you can't use frequency to determine wavelength nor can you use wavelength to determine frequency (without also knowing the velocity), the two are not interchangeable either.

HINT: This is also true for electromagnetic waves (like radio), but you have consistently failed to see that, despite at least two people educating you on the topic.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

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