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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2927
Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2018,20:31   

Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 09 2018,18:51)
Quote (JohnW @ Jan. 09 2018,15:15)
Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 09 2018,10:00)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Jan. 09 2018,10:53)
Quote (JohnW @ Jan. 09 2018,10:45)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Jan. 09 2018,08:37)
KF has been boasting that UD is among the top 1% of sites in the web. JSmith responds.
And it has a trust ranking of 1

"Lacks most basic contact information; recognized as “listed” but with the lowest possible score."


On that thread, JSmith is "debating" ET, who is not Joe.  Guess how it's going.

Let's see.

JS: Are there any circumstances under which it is morally acceptable to intentionally kill the wives and infants of a defeated enemy?

ET: Yes- disease comes to mind. They carry something that they are immune to but you and yours are not.

JS: Are you being serious? They just defeated their enemy in close combat using swords, spears and knives.

ET: They were NOT fighting the women and children in close combat.

JSmith: Epidemiology is not your strong suit, is it?

ET: Wow, such a devastating refutation! Women and children are the carriers of the disease and men are not. The hormonal changes from male child to adult squelch the disease such that it is no longer a threat to anyone.

It isn’t necessarily a bloodborne pathogen.

It looks like it is going as we expected.

JSmith, who is clearly acartia blowTARD, is proving the title of the thread is correct. It can't even make a case, which is the same cowardice portrayed by all of its other socks.

It what way is it absurd that a disease described could exist and that thinking life arose from the ooze isn't absurd?

Name a disease which works like this.

It would have to be a disease known to the Israelites - otherwise you can't use this as your justification.  If they didn't think there was a real danger from a disease which spread in this way, why kill the women and children, rather than, say, people who owned cows, or people with a good singing voice?

There's much more evidence for the existence of a degenerative brain disease which only affects portly toaster repairmen in New England.

It's been eradicated, duh. And it would have to be known to God, duh. And guess what? God, being God, knew and knew what the Israelis had to do about it.

And again, loser, you are the brain damaged lot who think life arose via physics, chemical reactions and the magical emergence. What I am suggesting is very tame compared to what your position requires.

What is your obsession with toaster repair men? Did you get a shock sticking a metal knife into a working toaster and it fried your brain?

Or God, being an omnipotent and loving God, could have cured the wives and infants. But, instead, he told the victors to rape and kill them.

  27552 replies since Feb. 24 2010,12:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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