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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 02 2018,09:44   

Quote (k.e.. @ Jan. 02 2018,09:33)
Quote (Joe G @ Jan. 02 2018,17:12)
Quote (k.e.. @ Jan. 02 2018,02:48)
Well Joe your writing level at least seems to be improving even if your comprehension is still at poorly educated hillbilly level. quoting a Ham Radio link as an authority on Physics EM theory is about the same as quoting an ID link on the TOE i.e. not much science.

WRT comprehension: Your interpretation of equivalence fails to identify where the equivalence between frequency of an EM wave's oscillation and the EM wave's wavelength lies. Until your last post where you are less ambiguous and say that the generation of an EM wave can be measured either in units of inverse time (frequency of oscillation of a wave) or the length of the wave.
Previously you misidentified an equivalence between the definition of frequency  (of wave oscillation which is expressed as an inverse of time and therefore in units of time) and distance which is the unit used to quantify wavelength. A physics student would never make that mistake.

And rather than taking the time to disabuse you of that most people on the various forums find it much more amusing just to take the piss out of you since you show no interest in correcting your mistakes.

Are you now saying distance is not equivalent to time?

If a physics student was asked the question "As for physics it says that transmitting on a frequency of 1.87 MHz is the equivalent of transmitting on a wavelength of 160 meters."

I presume this would be where our apocryphal physics student was asked in a pub quiz ...say after class because no physics exam starts with "As for physics"...In any case if he gave your answer in any physics exam I've sat it would be marked FAIL.

If you consider that any standard EM wave transmitter usually has a transmission line between it and its antenna with a different wave velocity than a vacuum you may want to revise your answer.

For bonus points:

1)What causes the velocity of an EM wave to change in a given medium? Clue:- the answer must include the word Permeability.
2)Does the the wave's frequency of oscillation change when migrating between media of varying permeability?

For a gold star:

If a conventional waveguide is evacuated of all air leaving a vacuum is the velocity of the wave in the waveguide the same as as in the vacuum of free space.

But if you had to classify all of the alleged transitional forms the it would be impossible to find objective criteria to form distinct groups. That is because you would expect a smooth blending of traits- unless your mechanism is saltation. You would have to try to find some other method to form a nested hierarchy- good luck with that.

Pure drivel and special pleading.

LoL! You didn't even address my example- you must be an ignorant ass.


Transmitting on a frequency of 1.87 MHz is EQUIVALENT to transmitting on a wavelength of 160 meters.

That is the physics equivalency, Davey. So go sit on a pole.

Your example is worthless handwaving designed to support your denial of the what the scientific definition of a nested hierarchy is. And is complete waste of time debating with you since you lack the focus and reading comprehension required to have a rational conversation about it. Get some class time and pass a few exams then come back.

Transmitting on a frequency of 1.87 MHz is EQUIVALENT to transmitting on a wavelength of 160 meters.

So you finally acknowledge frequency is not  EQUIVALENT to wavelength!

That wasn't so hard was it?

Not just ronery but fucking slow.

LoL! I know what the scientific definition of a nested hierarchy is. You don't. I have supported my case, you haven't.

The ham radio link and my example was to show that in a specific context frequency and wavelength are INTERCHANGEABLE- I see that word is still too big for you to comprehend its meaning.

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism

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