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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 19 2017,10:52   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 18 2017,13:48)
With so many having made WW2 a taboo topic

You could have just asked for more info.

Due to outrage from those technically qualifying as religious supremacists who normally blame WW2 on Charles Darwin and Atheists the issue leads to classroom fighting, and as I discovered becoming no longer welcomed at forums like UD. Earlier in this thread I posted a message from a moderator at the Reddit Creationism forum who mentioned this in their reason for banning me.

In the US it is customary to "respect religion" including those that instill a sense of being above others and entitlement to favors in an afterlife where all else burn in hell or suffer other eternal torment anyway. It's not easy to show evidence that this mindset has led to entire countries with active churches galore morally justifying genocide. After the war it's one of those things that the people who went along with Hitler's madness did not want to talk about. And for reasons of political correctness it's hard to discuss in the US. Shifting the blame to Charles Darwin changes the subject away from why the average "God fearing" German citizen who did not even understand what his theory explained could morally justify the atrocities being carried out on their behalf.

In Russia the people seem to have mainly reacted to the "God With Us" war by no longer welcoming the otherwise seemingly harmless message in their country. I sense that after they saw the danger in what was being taught in churches around them too the average person living there could no longer "respect religion" anymore. With their lives being on the line and most places of worship instilling the feeling of being above others and pities their damned it makes sense that so much was made gone so fast in Russia, and with almost no regret afterwards for having done so.

I expect recent events to cause much the same to happen in the US but since the people are not in as much of a state of panic it should be to a lesser degree. The usually Taboo topic that qualifies so many is this country as a religious supremacist will become harder to ignore.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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