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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 08 2017,14:15   

rvb8August 7, 2017 at 10:48 pm
Larry @8 said IDists were idiots. This brought out understandable anger, but look at this post’s title:

‘Well, we don’t hear from Britt toffs everyday: Darwin was a fraud!’

ID is desperate to be taken seriously, or even to be acknowledged anywhere, outside of its own very insular crowd.

Now the question; How can any independent, unbiased individual, who is largely uninterested in the attempts of ID to be recognised anywhere, read this title and not say, ‘these people are less than honest in their claim to be scientifically centred.’?

NEWS’s headings, and her titles are always (not occsionally or sometimes), wildly emotional, dripping with contempt, and utterly indefensible in scientific legitimacy.

If ID has any illusions, to be taken seriously, as other than what it is, ‘creationism’, it must at some time create one, just one, scientific title worthy of the name. (This does not mean taking current research in respected institutions, and saying, ‘Look! That’s really complicated, it must be design!)

These constant childish, mildly dislodged, ranting efforts are entertaining sure, but as ways for the public to enter the realm of ID, they are not helpful at all.

ET, thanks for your efforts to ‘witness’ for me, spare your efforts, pray for the world instead, it will be just as effective.

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