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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2017,22:19   

Quote (Lethean @ May 20 2017,10:50)
Quote (stevestory @ May 19 2017,09:46)
Quote (Henry J @ May 18 2017,22:52)
"Fine-tuning"? Doesn't that just mean there's a bunch of physical constants that have to be close to their observed values for life as we know it to exist?

I'm not sure though if that should read "life as we know it" or "any life at all". The later has to be much trickier to evaluate.

I don't think 'fine-tuning' makes any sense.

Anti-tuning makes just as much sense. Only an incredibly small portion of the universe can support life? Out of 100 elements only one can be the basis of life? It took 4 billion years of evolution before intelligent life? How do you guess the probabilities? You can't, it's all naval-gazing bullshit.

Some physicists love playing philosopher, doesn't mean they know what they're talking about.

Indeed, puddle gazing even. I forget who I first saw point it out, and I'm probably not going to do that author any justice, but what they are essentially saying with these arguments is that their invisible friend must have made the universe exactly this way and only this way works. Without admitting this implied assertion, they are presuming to know the limitations of their friend, who they will happily tell you in entirely different context is omnipotent. This is the only way they can make their number based argument from incredulity fly.

Once you start admitting your invisible friend could make life based on any other element or tune the universe for life in any other way (which at this point is some infinitesimally small percentage of the whole, within a thin layer of atmosphere on one spheroid ball of rock, that is known) you've admitted that all your calculations are based on an argument from ignorance and are pretty much futile. Just like all the others that presume to exclude all *cough* known *cough* natural processes and wind up with "designermusthavedidit". Which is so amazingly successful as a science that Dembski said "fuck it, I have better things to do".

It's a steaming pile of disingenuous bullshit.

Douglas Adams.

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