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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2017,13:21   

Armand JacksApril 6, 2017 at 10:13 am

Where then, have we seen policy, law, courts, administration and more reflecting the self-referential incoherence, subjectivism, relativism, ideological agendas, pressure group agit prop and media shadow-show games coming from that have led to amorality, nihilism and the ongoing worst holocaust in history (of our posterity: 800+ millions in 40+ y and mounting at 1 mn/wk)? The implied imposition of might and manipulation make ‘right,’ ‘truth,’ ‘knowledge,’ ‘justice,’ ‘rights,’ ‘law’ etc? The resulting ongoing stereotyping, strawmannising, bigoted scapegoating and targetting of ethical theists in the Judaeo-Christian tradition?

Why do you insist on bringing abortion into every debate? Are you incapable of keeping on subject.?

But since you asked “Where then, have we seen policy, law, courts, administration and more reflecting the self-referential incoherence, subjectivism, relativism, ideological agendas, pressure group agit prop and media shadow-show games…blah, blah, blah”. Might I answer, who was responsible for the crusades, inquisition, forced conversions, hundreds of civil wars, hatred driven propaganda, residential schools, the jailing and execution of people for blasphemy, the jailing and execution of people for homosexuality, and a host of other atrocities? Christians were persecuted for the first few hundred years of their religion and have been playing the martyr card ever since. Atheists have a far longer history of being persecuted but you don’t hear us complaining about it.

The rest of your comment, gibberish, just like the first part. If you want to discuss issues openly and honestly, you would be well advised to tone down your sermonizing, patronizing and arrogant attitude.

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