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  Topic: A Modest Proposal< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 31
Joined: June 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 16 2005,08:57   

No circular reasoning, no ducking arguments, no ad homs.

Then why do you keep erecting straw men?

Meh - Hyperion, you are hopeless. I'm trying my best to follow your increasingly lunatic parsings of my posts, and coming up short.

lunatic parsings?  Geez, all I did was assert that this is not a foreign policy webboard.  Am I not correct?  Forgive me for trying to keep things on topic.  By the way, didn't you just say something about ad homs?

Can evolution handle the free-market, non-government funded competition?

See, here's the thing that I don't think you're getting about natural selection:  in order for it to operate, it requires that members of a population fail.  The whole point of the public school system, last time I checked, was to try to prevent that.

But ####, I happen to notice that there are thousands of private schools out there, completely unfunded and unregulated by the government.  Why then do so many of them teach evolution?  I attended a private college, and I still have my freshman bio book sitting on my shelf.  Funny how our private college, with no government funds or interference, operating purely in the free market, still chose to use a textbook which uses the theory of evolution to completely tie together all of biology.

Geez, if all you're going to do is call people names, litter your posts with logical fallacies, and then above all make assertions which simply make no sense, then why even post.  By the way, you still failed to tie this in with your original post about foreign policy.  Oh, by the way, have you ever actually taken a foreign policy course?  Have you ever taken a foreign policy course from a professor who had to cancel class for a week so he could fly to Japan to participate in an East Asian security summit, essentially sitting face to face with North Korean diplomats to talk about nuclear weapons?

Oh, and how old are you?

  245 replies since Nov. 13 2005,11:56 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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