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  Topic: A Modest Proposal< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 13 2005,21:20   

Mr Ghost of Paley. I felt a few minor corrections were needed in your oped
There's only problem - the economy doesn't exist in a vacuum. Whatever affects the economy affects the wider society, especially when the agents of change add their own culture to the mix. Now, if that culture is sound and flexible, no real damage is done. But if they bring a diseased different culture along with their possessions, everyone suffers. The immigrants don't aren't permitted to assimilate, enrich, or even work - and thus new problems join the old. Politicians scramble for a solution. Perhaps Western society itself must change? Crime rises, liberties wither, and resentments build. This, of course, leads to yet more crime and even more Draconian laws to fix the rising tide of chaos. Civilisation ultimately collapses may degenerate. Is there a way out of this mess? Yes - but I'll give my solution opinion later.

Are you sure you'll have time to work on your solutionopinion piece whilst preparing your paper and working on your theory of geocentrism.

Come on, admit it. You are parodying. No-one can be (apparently) this lucid and yet so completely irrational.

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