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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1238
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,05:17   

The Church lady's post today is well worth reading.  First of all she quotes an article critical of ID where the author states "where is the science" and the Church lady completely ignores that question and spends her time talking about cockroaches.

The Church lady said:

Here’s one question that intrigues me: Why do some life forms not evolve, or so little that it hardly matters? The coelacanth and the cockroach come to mind, but there are others, including common ferns and cycads. Surely these life forms experience genetic mutations and changes in their environment.

A UD poster logically asked:

“Here’s one question that intrigues me: Why do some life forms not evolve, or so little that it hardly matters? The coelacanth and the cockroach come to mind, but there are others, including common ferns and cycads. Surely these life forms experience genetic mutations and changes in their environment.”

Come to think of it: What is ID’s explanation for this apparent lack of evolutionary change?

Comment by ofro — July 21, 2006 @ 9:48 am

And then Dembski replied:

Question: “What is ID’s explanation for this apparent lack of evolutionary change?”

Answer: Redesign (technological evolution) itself requires design, and lots of things are designed so well in the first place that they don’t need to be redesigned.

Comment by William Dembski — July 21, 2006 @ 10:02 am

Let's read that little admission of stupidity again...

lots of things are designed so well in the first place that they don’t need to be redesigned.

Um, excuse me?  That quote should go in the Dembski Wikipedia article.

Is it me or did Dembski just breech a new threshold for stupidity?

And where are the "facts" to back up this idiotic claim?  I hope someone asks for them since the Church Lady has already said you can argue all day long as long as you back it up with facts.  Does that apply to Dembski as well?


Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson

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