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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 544
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 20 2006,12:59   

Quote (stevestory @ July 20 2006,16:22)
The comment form is now open on the top thread at UD. I posted a comment. It's in the moderation queue. Let's see what happens.

In case you're wondering, the post is

If a system inspires us to design something, is that evidence that the system itself was designed? When or when not?
Filed under: Intelligent Design — William Dembski @ 4:11 pm

and my comment is

If we notice a boulder laying on something, preventing the wind from blowing the something away, and we are inspired to make a paperweight, does the paperweight imply the boulder+something system was designed?

and I just added another comment

If we see a hurricane blow a pine needle through a sheet of aluminum, and we're inspired to create air guns, does that mean the hurricane is designed?

I added the following

How about:

Lawn sprinkler.  Designed to water a garden in much the same way that the natural water cycle might otherwise. As far as I can tell, the water cycle although arguably irreducibly complex, could have arisen by natural materialist means.

Log Effect Gas Fire:  Designed to recreate the warmth and visual appearance of burning wood. TTBOMK a designer is not necessary to make wood burn.

Plasma Ball. Designed to imitate lightning , which although awesome, lacks specificity (as I have recently learned here), and therefore need not have been designed.

"Precious thing" / snow globe.  Designed to conjure up a magical blizzardy experience.

If it somehow makes it through, I imagine an obvious comeback would be "but they are not biological systems". The question didn't specify biological.

* "Precious thing" is a reference to "the league of gentlemen" but that's not important.

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