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Joined: Jan. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 02 2016,22:13   

Quote (Ptaylor @ Sep. 02 2016,04:18)
It seems that J-Mac is competing for the 2016 Gabby Johnson gibberish award:
J-MacSeptember 1, 2016 at 6:18 pm

Interestingly, Larry Moran is apparently writing something for the first time and it’s apparently going to be a book to support the 90% junk DNA delusion that very few uneducated Darwinists apparently still support.

I'm still trying to parse the last part of that sentence.
He then announces that he is the same idiot* issuing passive aggressive challenges to Prof Moran over at Sandwalk lately:
I’ve offered to publish Larry’s book asap so that by the time his book is published it is no longer 85% SHORT OUT OF JUNK DNA PREDICTION.

I hope Larry takes it seriously and is not trying to commit himself to failure right at the end of his ……. career…

*Cruglers? I have a vague recollection of another 'nym over there too.
UD link

That would be Eric who boastfully claims to have a company and "foundation" with access to "more than a few scientists" and "more than a few labs" and apparently publishers both new and old as well. Which makes me suspect, as I have for some time, that Eric is "Hovind the lesser" as these claims would be somewhat true in a stretching the truth like taffy sense. He is just that kinda of smarmy jackass.

Research for a book

"...I'm on sabbatical this term..."

I just hope it was a voluntary sabbatical...

Here is an idea for the title of your book:

"If more than 10% of human genome is not junk-I will become a creationist."

This title has more punch and it is much more likely to attract attention of possible publishers even if your book is shit or turns out to be shit. I know something about it. I published one or two books.


It's too bad you have removed my comment without leaving any trace of it...

I know I have been silly but I still believe that your book could be a breakthrough. I have even contacted some of my literary agents from long ago and even the recent ones, just to see if they would be interested in getting your book published. I hope you have at least one literary agent working with and for you Larry.

Are you planning to review some of the knock-out experimental data in your book?

How about fugu and such? Are you going to mention any of that "junk DNA" anomaly?

If you don't submit your book for publishing by the end of the year, there may be some experimental results of knock-out mice and some plants that you may find very interesting...


Off topic.

I hope you don't remove it.

The company I'm part of has a little bit of money to spare on real, experimental research. The board of directors is very, very particular about where the money should go. If you had a real experiment model in mind to prove your "junk DNA" theory, and if it wasn't very costly and very long, they may go for it. Well, it is worth trying- let's put it this way.

If you had such an experiment in mind that would definitely prove your point and at the same time made ENCODE look like amateurs, they just may go for it. Mind you, they are very careful with spending the foundation and the company money, but one of the board members apparently used to be a biochemists or something like that and he apparently have spoken (critically or not I don't know) publically about ENOCODE.

Anyways, do you have a dream plan for an experiment that is going to exonerate not only you, but possibly all those losers who made predictions about junk DNA?

I could submit a proposal on your behalf.

Georgi Malinov,

What's your view of the research that has recently been published by more than a few science magazines on the subject of "junk DNA" being the ocean of regulatory functions to unknown areas of science?

Do you think that your commitment and Larry's is going to stand for a long time?

I take bets... Are you interested?

How about this: If in 2 years nobody wants to publish Larry's book, I will sponsor it, but you will write all the supporting bs, provided Larry is okay with that.

Are interested?

"So I'm a pretty unusual guy and it's not stupidity that has gotten me where I am. It's brilliance."

"My brain is one of the very few independent thinking brains that you've ever met. And that's a thing of wonder to you and since you don't understand it you criticize it."

~Dave Hawkins~

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