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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Dec. 2015

(Permalink) Posted: July 07 2016,17:43   

UD's philosophical sophisticates are enjoying a laugh:
If “nothing” is not a quantum vacuum, asks Coyne, then what is it? This seems fit for a comedy routine, because the answer is so painfully obvious. You see, “nothing” is not anything. “Nothing” is the complete absence of anything at all. You can’t describe “nothing” and assign it particular characteristics or properties because it is the complete lack of characteristics or properties. It is non-being. No energy, no fields, no laws, no particles, virtual or otherwise. It’s absolutely nothing. That something cannot come from nothing is not a law of physics, per se, but of metaphysics.

Does "the complete absence of anything at all" include absence of gods/God? If yes, then whence gods/God? If no, then isn't there something instead of true nothing?

I don't mean to provoke any sort of metaphysical discussion. HeKS's armchair pedantry doesn't deserve it, and these discussions have been stale for literally thousands of years.


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