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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 28 2016,00:26   

We can add "religious' to the list of words you do not understand.

Babies and kids work hard to understand the world around them.  They use a mixture of rational deduction and magical thinking (superstition, anthropomorphism, etc.), initially without distinguishing the two because they are learning by coincidences, patterns, and analogies, which can work but which can also be deeply misleading.  Rational deduction supported by experimentation with cause and effect works very well, while magical thinking does not, although kids frequently get misled and take lots of detours.  More rational people outgrow superstition, anthropomorphism of natural phenomena, magic, religion, etc., but that can be difficult and less emotionally satisfying, so scientific methodology, including methodological naturalism, is simply a codification of what works (like your diagram) (i.e. rational analysis) and a formal abandonment of what doesn't work (like religion, superstition, and other appeals to the supernatural and the irrational, etc.), in the name of developing better thinking more efficiently.

Codifying our knowledge and teaching kids what we have learned is simply vastly more efficient than leaving kids to figure out everything for themselves.

You are still stuck in magical thinking (assertion without justification or basic comprehension of the fundamentals simply because it strikes you as right).  This means you will mostly continue to fail at science.  

You really aren't very good at this.

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