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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 19 2016,22:48   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ June 19 2016,19:32)
Quote (stevestory @ June 19 2016,19:33)
do the evolutionary biology journal editors turn their keys in now, or wait for a delegation to arrive and take command of the fleet, or what? Nobody told me what to do when we lost!

We'll just have to admit that hot monkey sex with chimpanzees was the primary hope that ever led to absurdities like Darwinism.  That Nazism and Communism were both our goals in promoting our Godless agenda, and we were only too sad that one caused the other to be destroyed.  Lewontin's quote about the Divine Foot in the door will have to be inscribed onto all of our tombstones, and we must pray that the Divine Foot shall kick our asses as they deserve to be kicked.  Dembski will be officially proclaimed the Juice Newton of Information Theory, and Gordon Mullings will be Chief Philosopher and Theologian of the coming age, while the many gruesome tales of his persecutions and disrespect for his intellect will induce horror and self-loathing among all of the former Darwinists.  

Many of us will no doubt commit suicide (ironically, hastening our commitment to hellfire), rather than to face up to the truth of God and retribution for our lust for same-sex fornication with sheep and other ungulates of various kinds.  BA77 will finally be recognized for the genius that he is on Quantum Physics and all of biology.  Sackcloth and ashes will be our garb for the rest of our lives, while we who are male will politely request that strangers kick us in the nuts for ever doubting the wisdom of the brilliant and pious Barry Arrington.

There is much to do, and we must not delay our endless, yet futile, attempts to atone for our disrespect for God and his Mighty Scientist Defenders of Truth who have finally and forever vanquished our hateful crusade against Divinity and Self-Evident Truth.

Or, we might just deny it all yet again, just as we have done in the past in order to keep the Divine Foot from getting into the door, in spite of overwhelming evidence of design.  But is this still possible after PaV's post?  Haven't we all just about given in after reading WJM's posts, telling it like it is, that all atheists/Darwinists were as gullible and stupid as he was as an atheist (and still is as a theist--but I shall have to repent for such a parenthetical statement, yet I had to deny deny deny once more for old times' sake)?  The intellect, the sheer honesty of their approach to all of science by admitting the primacy and and precedence of God, plus the indubitable miracles that are our souls, will make denial even after PaV's post to be possible only for the most irredeemable materialist, God-hating, anti-humanitarian, and youth-corrupting souls.

Yet I predict that some of us have reached that state.  Can it be that some of us may yet destroy more souls after today?  Let us hope so.

Glen Davidson

We should have seen it coming.  Ever since someone noticed that there were still monkeys, we've been living on borrowed time.

Edited by stevestory on June 20 2016,10:28

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

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