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  Topic: A Modest Proposal< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 19 2006,12:56   

What? WHAT?

I read your post three times, ghost. First, you imply that Hispanics (which you start to call "mestizos" all of a sudden, to make your point) Should be a different RACE, not a national minority. Well why didn't you say so in the first place? Well, when you guys take over America and redefine the concept of race, make sure you take it to the FBI. But until then, try to provide an actual argument if you have one. Hispanics are a national minority, and that's how FBI caregorizes them (because the FBI cares about whites, not "evil white people"- Anglo-Saxons, as I suppose you mean), and they don't get their "special little category" any more than Jewish or homosexuals do when religious and sexuality- bias crimes are comitted: They just go where they belong.  And there's nothing you can do about it. It has to do with that concept you often find in the way of your views: Reality.

Then it gets better:
No Faid, that was my argument to you. I was showing that the categories were mutually exclusive, and since subgroups of white victims outnumber the total number of white victims, this indicates that the police departments are not eagerly lumping ethnic whites in with other whites. The small numbers of people in the "multiple offenses" category also indicates that Hispanics are rarely put in the "white" category.

Now who's missing the point? Ghost, the categories are not mutually exclusive. Why should they be? And how does your assertion derive from the fact that subgoups are greater than what you consider the "total" (which is not the total at all)?

Ghost, that was not the "total number of white victims". It was the total number of anti-white crimes. There is a big difference.

You still haven't figured it out, have you?

Here comes the clue train once again: An anti-White (or anti-Jewish) bias is NOT determined by who the crime was commited against: it's determined by why it was commited. And that is the only way possible.
Say that I'm a black supremacist or whatever sick notion you can think of, and I hate whites. I see a white person walking down the street and I beat him up, without knowing anything else other that he was white.
Now, that person also happened to be Jewish- I had no idea about it, though.
Was my crime an anti-white one, an anti-jewish one, or both? And how will FBI tell?

...Starting to get it eventually? I hope so...

Ummmm Faid, most Latinos/Latinas are not particularly hard to distinguish from other whites. There are some exceptions, of course......

Hmm... And why is that? Physical characteristics, enough to tell them apart on the street? Such as? Or is my previous thought about how you view them correct? Unless of course, you weren't joking, and by "Whites" you really mean fair-skinned blue-eyed blondes, in which case I fold. (I'm not Fundamerican, Paley, I know my country is not the world, and yet I also know that I am as white -in race- and Greek -in ethnicity- as my lady friend who is dark-haired and gets a tan the first day at the beach... something you seem to have trouble grasping).

And finally:
Faid, you lyin' sack o' .......        

Faid, I told you beforehand that I would let you have the last post. Beforehand.


Hey Dave, I'm breaking one of the Enemy down for ya!

Excuuuse me? Ground control to Air Farce Ghost, can you hear me? What the he1l does that have to do with anything? Since when saying that you are not going to answer to someone else's response gives you the right to act like you have refuted all his claims afterwards, and start boasting about it on other threads when that one is dead and buried?  When people (honest people) withdraw from defending a subject, they don't bring it back later to claim they've won. Did you see me ever bring that debate up, although I DID have the last word, by consensus or not? And you accuse ME of lying? Where did I lie? I never said you didn't say so "beforehand"... I just said you DID NOT answer, and therefore you have no right to act as if you did. Are you trying to -what? Twist my words into lies? How can you even type with all that sleaze?

Keep trying to break me down, AFGhost my lil' champ... because you're more of a weakly interacting massive particle so far.  :D

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

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