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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2016,14:34   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ May 31 2016,15:03)
OK. Slap me upside the head. I pasted the wrong comment in my previous post. This is the one where Mullings preaches to the fallen.
kairosfocusMay 31, 2016 at 11:48 am
CF, specifically on the ongoing 50 millions per year global, 60 millions cumulative in 40-odd years in the USA, slaughter of the most innocent with connivance of law, that speaks for itself; just multiply by 40 years, even if you divide by 2 to account for growth. The worst holocaust in history, bar none. And it speaks for our civilisation with the most decisive terms possible. This is a dark age, an evil and corrupt generation, save yourselves as a remnant snatched from the burning. And if you have personally been implicated in bloodguilt in this matter, or have enabled it at some level, down to voting for those who have put this into practice under false colours of law, repent and seek forgiveness. Where also, we must realise that bloodguilt is the most corrupting force in the world, hardening the heart to the cry of the very first right of all, life. If you do not feel pangs of guilt over being implicated, that is a very bad sign, ask God for the mercy of guilt and the gift of repentance. And, in so doing, understand that Almighty God is now the number one security threat facing our blood-stained, brazen civilisation. Have enough sense to repent and throw one’s soul on him, for there is at least a rumour that he is merciful. KF

Or in fewer words -- this is a terrorist we can't defeat, he's the biggest enemy we face, so surrender to him and then he won't hurt us.
Objectively so, GEM, objectively so.

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