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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2016,14:01   

There Reverend Mullingds is back on his pulpit.
kairosfocusMay 31, 2016 at 11:33 am
CF, at this stage, with all due respects it seems you are simply using words in ways you hope will be rhetorically manipulative or will give signals to those of your ilk as to dismissive talking points. On the substance at work, it is quite clear that the matter has long since been decided against your cause. Evolutionary materialistic scientism is both incoherent and amoral, something fellow travellers try to get along with. Thus, it tries to reduce morality to relativism, subjectivism and nominalism in a context of might and manipulation making right. Meanwhile trying to dodge the glaring fact of individuality which it reduces to illusion. For, neuronal chemistry or the like cannot account for responsible, rational freedom, at best it might get to some sort of zombie running programs that are rooted in blind chance and/or mechanical necessity. A civilisation like that dominated by such notions will then be wide open for ruthless, nihilistic manipulators. And the evidence of trends, common sense and history alike is such is headed for a fast slide down a slippery slope of irresponsibility, irrationality and mob behaviour, until it has a very hard collision with rock bottom reality. That south wind you think is favourable to get you to the hoped for secularist utopia is actually the warning sign of a wicked, typhoon force nor’easter. This civilisational voyage will not end well, on current track. And, those who dismissed Cassandra in legend, or Jeremiah and Paul in real life (The latter had survived three shipwrecks by mid Oct 59 AD at Fair Havens, Crete), were the ones on the wrong side of history. Never mind what they imagined at the time. As for me, I have the specific advantage of having seen this sort of pattern play out twice already. KF

Who would have thought that talking about abortion would set him off?

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