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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2016,14:45   

Quote (Jkrebs @ May 16 2016,14:25)
So kf closed the March of Folly thread with this cogent explanation:

ALETA, Inquisitor used an unusual comparison that carries precisely the connotation implied; we all know about Orwellian doublespeak so don’t bother to pretend otherwise. Further to this, you will see that after nearly 900 comments NONE of those associated with the side that has consistently accused us of bigotry etc has pulled back even after being cautioned. It seems that the exact dangers pointed out by George in the OP are being carried through. In that context, we have to take implications very seriously. Where on your talking points more than enough has been said on the nihilistic import of playing legalistic and policy power games with what are now abracadabra words controlled by elites driven by inherently self-falsifying and amoral evolutionary materialism and its fellow travellers. 59, 500 or 5000 years are not going to change the complementarity of the human sexes or the substantial commitment required to sustain sound and stable child nurture and communities that support sound families. The juggernaut that thinks it can tinker, use power and manipulation to get its way will crash our civilisation, at the price of much blood and tears; but the obvious intent is to push an increasingly bizarre agenda without limit. Until it crashes, hard and ruinously. I have now terminated this thread to serve notice that some things are being done that can easily have grave consequences,that grave disrespect has been sustained long beyond warn a divisive person once, twice, three times; and there is a refusal to recognise that lines have been insistently crossed. Game over Aleta, something is very wrong on your side and needs to be fixed. KF

oohhh, and it was just starting to get interesting.

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