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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2016,06:17   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 12 2016,02:02)
Quote (ChemiCat @ May 11 2016,04:12)
Let's try again;

How would an 'intelligent' RNA polymer differ from one reacting to the existing laws of physics and chemistry?

It sounds to me like you are saying: How would an 'intelligent' robot differ from one reacting to the existing laws of electronics?

In that case: As far as I know Ohm's Law works the same for either a Beta Rodney robot or a dumb bread toaster that automatically pops-up on its own.

Yes, the two indeed sound alike TO YOU !!!  Not to anyone else though.

First, intelligence in robots is not equivalent to intelligence in molecules: any attempt to conflate learning in robots with "learning" in molecules relies on stretching metaphors far beyond their utility.  Second, you have no way of distinguishing a robot that has achieved intelligence from one that has not (your language wrongly includes Neato vacuum cleaners as being intelligent).

This is game over, from your own words.  As ChemiCat says (and as I've been saying in other contexts), this happens because you lack operational definitions, along with regular definitions and reasonable use of English in a way that supports valid conclusions and legitimate reasoning, all of which allows you to muddle your thinking and conflate all sorts of rubbish in pursuit of your delusions.

More specifically, your mangled terminology and abysmally bad statements regarding the "requirements of intelligence" fail to exclude things that clearly are not intelligent (such as Neato vacuum cleaners and autofocus cameras), AND they fail to include accomplishments and behaviors that clearly involve intelligence (e.g., mentally composing a symphony, planning your future, evaluating your life, and the like).  This disconnection from reality lets you float ungrounded through fantasies of intelligent molecules. "Intelligence" becomes a completely meaningless buzzword in your hands and removes all meaning from anything you say.

Until you fix these huge problems (and others), you stand no chance of having anything of any use to any one.

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