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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2016,13:05   

Quote (N.Wells @ May 07 2016,08:36)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Aug. 14 2015,15:39)
Quote (Quack @ Aug. 14 2015,03:36)
I just gotta know. Are all molecules intelligent? Or is that a property of some kind of molecules only?

The only single molecule system that qualified as intelligent is self-replicating RNA. From theory:

Unimolecular Intelligence

Clues to the origin of intelligent living things are found in rudimentary molecular systems such as self-replicating RNA. Since these are single macromolecules that can self-learn they are more precisely examples of “Unimolecular Intelligence”, as opposed to “Molecular Intelligence”, which may contain millions of molecules all working together as one.


The catalytic (chemically reacts with other molecules without itself changing to a new molecular species) ability of ribonucleotide (A,G,C,U) bases combine to form useful molecular machinery. Where properly combined into strands 100 or more bases in length they become a rapidly moving molecule that can control/catalyze other molecules in their environment, and each other, including to induce each others replication. Unlike RNA that exists inside a protective cell membrane these RNA's are directly influenced by the planetary environment, which they are free to control. Modern examples include viruses that over time learned how to control the internal environment of their host to self-assemble protective shells with sensors on the outside for detecting suitable host cells to enter and control. After invading the cells other sensors detect when conditions are right to simultaneously reproduce, thereby overwhelming the immune system of their hosts, which would otherwise detect then destroy them.


The ribonucleotide sequences are a memory system that also acts as its body. On it are molecular sites, which interact with nearby molecules to produce repeatable movements/actions. Its shape can include hairpin bends that are sensitive to the chemical environment, which in turn changes the action responses of its code/memory to nearby molecules, and to each other. Their activity also changes their molecular environment, much the same way as living things have over time changed the atmosphere and chemistry of our planet. This suggests self-organization of a complex collective molecular self-learning system involving diverse molecular systems, which both compete with and sustain each other.


Molecular species that can successfully coexist with others in the population and the environmental changes they cause are successful responses, which stay in the collective memory. Molecular species that fail are soon replaced by another more successful (best guess) response. The overall process must result in collective actions/reactions that efficiently use and recycle the resources available to multiple molecular species, or else there is an unsustainable chemical reaction, which ends when the reactants have consumed each other, resulting in an environmental crash.


For such a rapidly replicating molecule RNA editing type mechanisms can become a significant source of guesses. Also, molecular affinity, which is in part measured by the hydropathy index, will favor assimilation of complimentary ribonucleotides. Where these are in limited abundance the next best fitting molecule may replace them, or cause other changes to its structure, which may work as well or better, for their descendants. This makes it possible for these complex molecules to automatically try something new, when necessary.

Quote (Quack @ Aug. 14 2015,03:36)
Is there a demarcation somewhere, between intelligent and non-intelligent molecules? If so, what's the difference?

The above shows how to properly qualify a system like this as intelligent. All four requirements must be met. Other sections of the theory go into more detail.

What is the source of "molecular intelligence"? It is a fact that molecules are different from atoms and have properties not inherited from the atoms they are made of. So what?

There is no "source" the molecule itself is through trial and error able to "learn", which in turn makes it possible for them to "evolve". That is what makes self-replicating RNA's of such great interest to origin of life scientists.

That was non-responsive on your part.  I understand that you think it is a response, and no doubt it seems crystal clear to you, but to everyone except you that looks like a house of cards built from unsupported and likely unsupportable assertions.

Let's do this from the back-end.  We are all in agreement that RNA is a fascinating polymeric molecule, and that it is of great interest in the origin of life.  We agree that it has several amazing and crucial capabilities: 1) reproduction, acting as scaffold or template for more of itself or for DNA (albeit involving some other molecules in the process), 2) creating proteins (any three nucleotides 1n a line can grab one amino acid, & line it up, helping it link up with the next amino acid in line, thereby ultimately making a protein), 3) folding and linking to itself, similarly to the way two strands of DNA link to each other.  It can either make useful structures, or actually be a useful structure.  In these ways, RNA can act variously as template, scaffold, blueprint, catalyst, production tool, building material, and final product.  In the process of self-replicating, it can fairly easily get changed in ways that can result in functionally different end-products.  It can indeed indirectly influence its environment.

However, all of this is understandable in terms of standard (involuntary, materialistic, deterministic, unintelligent) biochemistry.  "Intelligence" has not been shown to be involved in this process.

The theory is clearly enough qualifying self-replicating RNA's as themselves being intelligent.

You started off by changing the subject to something else entirely by claiming: "Intelligence" has not been shown to be involved in this process.

What you did is the same thing as accuse someone of being an antiscientific religious fanatic just because they said "My pet mouse is intelligent".

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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