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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2016,00:23   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 23 2016,22:05)
Quote (N.Wells @ April 23 2016,22:00)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 23 2016,21:47)
This is "theory" for how FET transistors work. I'm sure that the unbiased reader will find plenty of "science" in it:

Thanks for proving my point that you don't know the difference.

You can have lots of science (more accurately, technology and electrical engineering), without having to get into all the details of the underlying theories (theory of electromagnetism, electroweak theory, quantum theory of magnetic charge, etc.)

"Evolutionary Theory" does not get into the details of cognitive theory that explains how "mate selection" and thousands of other things work. Therefore by your own standards "evolutionary theory" is not a scientific theory either.

Egads, you're a fool.  No one asserts such a standard, except you.  Theories have domains.  No theory is expected to cover all domains (well, until the physicists come up with their Grand Unified Theory of Everything :) ).

Having a domain does not make a theory unscientific.

"Evolutionary Theory" does not get into the details of cognitive theory that explains how "mate selection".......

That's another Own Goal for you, chum.  Evolutionary Theory does indeed cover mate selection (look up Sexual Selection sometime).  In fact, the branch of this in Evolutionary Psychology is called (you're going to love this), "The Evolutionary Theory of Mate Selection".  Therefore by your own standards, you're an idiot.

Just to emphasize this again, because it is so priceless:
"Evolutionary Theory" does not get into the details of ..... "mate selection"

"The Evolutionary Theory of Mate Selection"

That's even funnier than (already dead) salmon epitomizing parental devotion to "nests full of young".

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