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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 24 2015,06:41   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 24 2015,05:20)
Quote (Texas Teach @ Dec. 23 2015,17:13)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Dec. 23 2015,15:59)
Quote (N.Wells @ Dec. 23 2015,15:37)

From the thread at:

Dan I am talking about teaching students things like: according to scientists like Aristotle the universe revolves around the Earth, instead of teaching them where reasonable scientists now stand on that issue (the known ordering of the solar systems).

You do well by purposely keeping the general public uninformed. Only have to give them "history" that serves your political agenda instead of "science" facts needed for a person to make a wise scientific decision.

Once again, you speak without knowledge.  Go look up state science standards from any number of places.  You'll find explicit instructions to teach the history of scientific discoveries and how they were refined over time including Aristotle's wrong ideas about both atoms and cosmology.

And on that thought of yours:

I at least have what comes from that to try to look forward to, even though I am certain I will soon have to lose everything in the process. I might not even have a job anymore. My wife and I really are expected to drop dead so that a trillon dollar system can go on screwing up as usual, at my expense.

That "trillion dollar system" isn't even aware of you.
You are totally irrelevant to it.
It doesn't  care about you.
And you know what?  It's just as you were, or should have been, taught in school -- no one owes you a living.
No one owes you funding.
Your work is demonstrably without value because no one other than you values it.
And why does no one value it?  It requires no paranoid conspiracy theory, no complicated tale of interlocked systemic malevolence directed towards you or your work.
Very simply, your work is without value because there's nothing there.  You have originated no ideas.  None.
Your absurdist software contains nothing new.  It offers no insights into anything, not even coding techniques.
Neither your software nor your "theory" have any explanatory power whatsoever.
You've wasted your life and are reaping the meager rewards.
Even the trash-pickers ignore your output.  And rightly so.

If you took 10% of the energy you spend in whining about how you have been and are being done in by 'the system' and devoted it to productive effort on things people actually value, you'd be doing much better.
You are wrong about everything.  That is no justification for funding you in any way.  Why would it be?  You do it for free.

  18634 replies since Oct. 31 2012,02:32 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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